YATE - Elswick Park proposed waiting restrictions - Mulberry Crescent and Normandy Drive

Inappropriately parked vehicles in the Elswick Park development are causing traffic and access issues in Mulberry Crescent and  Normandy Drive.    

The aim of the proposals is targeted at improving vehicular access, especially large vehicles (like refuse, emergency and delivery vehicles).   In Mulberry Crescent and Normandy Drive some no waiting at any time (double yellow line) restrictions have been proposed to help vehicle access.   The proposals have been discussed by local councillors.

The scheme is programmed for implementation during within this financial year (2014/15), and are subject to sufficient support from local business and residents, and comments received at a future formal consultation.


Have your say

The drawing showing the proposals is available directly via the link on this page or in the consultation documents section below.  The proposals may also be viewed at Yate library during normal opening hours.  Please respond before 4 December 2014.

To tell us your views you can:

This consultation has now closed and our consultation report is now available.


  • Opened
    17 Nov 2014 at 00:00
  • Closed
    4 Dec 2014 at 23:59
  • Response Published
    16 Dec 2014

Summary of Results

Consultation Documents


Consultation Topic
  • Local highways and transportation projects
Geographical area
  • Yate Central
Marking a consultation as relevant to a particular audience indicates that it may be of special relevance to people within that group. It doesn't, however, mean that other groups wont find the consultation of interest - we welcome responses from everybody.
For example, education issues may be of particular interest to Parents & Guardians, and so will be shown to people searching the system for parenting issues, but the views of others (eg: Business, Faith Groups) are also relevant.
Target Audience
  • All residents